
Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Jedediah Then & Now: 5 Years

(layout - Jedediah Then & Now: 5 Years)
We were supposed to do a layout for out class about Then & Now. I chose a couple of shots of Jedediah. In shot one, he was almost 3, in shot 2, he is almost 8. It's amazing how much he has changed! I'm thinking that if I were to edit this layout, that I may change the two photos... and see if I can find photos of him from those ages that are more of my "favorite" photos. I was late & wanted to get through the tutorials! I love JS's tuts!

My favorite thing out of this layout - the cool ampersand "&" sign at the top left - I learned how to fill that letter with a paper. Y'all know how much I love fonts & I can use any font & fill it with a cool paper! Something that looks really amazing & it's super easy to do (in photoshop anyway!)

What has amazed me about this class in particular, is that i'm learning the skills to actually create these cool background elements myself. I told Rod tonight - I don't think i'll ever go back to traditional scrapbooking! It's tooo much work!

Copyright © 2009-present by Zindra Nelson,

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Happy Birthday Spencer Layout

(layout: my layout of Spencer's birthday at C.E.Cheese)
Awhile ago, I signed up for a digital scrapbooking class at That was before I knew I was pregnant. Well needless to say, I did not keep up with the class because I've been sick & tired. So, the last couple of nights, after the kids went to bed - I've been working on my layouts. This is one of three from this class (although there are minor projects, that i'm not sure if i'll finish or post.)

What I really like about this layout is it's design. I learned how to use a brown overlay over the group shot that really made a difference in the photo - not that you can tell. What I really don't like about taking a digiscrapping class is that they kind of tell us what the design needs to be about. I do much better if my stuff comes from the heart.
What I'm hoping to do is create templates that I can reuse over and over by changing some of the features to fit the designs. In this class I'm learning a ton about designing - Photoshop is the bomb!
I've had a quite a few friends request info on digital scrapbooking and am considering putting together a workshop to show people how to get started. In my spare time, of course :D

Zindra's to do's:
get newsletter done
get ezine done
find someone to take over newsletter
help kids with display night projects
Birthday shop for Jedediah - we're getting him a new bike
check on a couple of bills
pay our pse bill & mom's pse bill
Figure out what we'll do for Jedi's birthday~
we're thinking maybe CECheese (his request)
Decide whether or not the kids are a going to horsecamp this summer
mail property taxes

Copyright © 2009-present by Zindra Nelson,