
Saturday, February 2, 2013

Project Life Checklist - Version 2013

At the beginning of 2013, I began the digital version of Project Life for the first time.  While I am enjoying the project, I found that I was in need of some sort of a checklist to keep track of where I am in the process.

Thought others might enjoy one as well!!!  Here is my Project Life Checklist - Version 2013 for you.  This is based on 2 layouts per week (hence A & B).

Click on the picture to Download the jpg.  Feel free to pin & share.  Enjoy!


  1. Is this file no longer available to download. I would love to have a copy.

  2. I'm looking into it. I haven't taken it down, so you should still be able to access it.

  3. Please try again, should be working now...
