
Sunday, June 5, 2011

Charity Kimono Blog Hop... Get Your Freebie!!!

Hello!  So glad you can join us for our Art of Digital Design Blog Hop!  You're going to find tons of goodies along the way :D  So, What's a Blog Hop??  It's where you "hop" from blog to blog, picking up goodies!!!  They're free!

Here is a preview of the QuickPage that I created using the Kimono Kit:
Download Expired.

Earlier this year, I took an Art of Digital Design class at  Right before the class started was when the Tsunami hit Japan.  We agreed that after our class was done, we would create a charity kit where the proceeds would go to the American Red Cross to benefit those in Japan.  Here are the previews of the kit that we all donated to:
So, now what do you do?  Below you'll find a link to download my quickpage of our charity collaboration kit.  Go ahead and download it - it's a FREEBIE!  Take a look around at my blog...  and then visit the next designer blog  Jellybean Design.  Also, if you'd like please considering purchasing the 
Kimono Kit by visiting  It's on sale today for 25% off!!

To visit the previous blog hop designer:  The Digital Celt
To visit the next blog hop designer:  Jellybean Design

Link List:
To visit the designer before me:  The Digital Celt
To visit the next designer:  Jellybean Design
My Quickpage:  Download QuickPage Here
Kimono Kit on link Here

1 comment:

  1. Great post and I love how you used the kit flowers below the frame!
